"The paintings are responses to places I have visited and recall fondly, and I begin by selecting elements from the landscape that inspire me. This can be the shapes of physical objects, the colours, and the surfaces of the place. These are combined with the contours and pathways of the landscape that the eye can follow in and around the scene. All these elements are fundamental to the process of producing the work.


When starting a painting I have no preconception of what it is going to look like beyond using these structures as a basis of a composition. I seek to explore these components and develop abstraction through the inclusion and exclusion of the contents within view, creating an organic fluidity to the work by experimenting, pushing boundaries, and taking risks.


I graduated from Winchester School of Art, in 1983, where I studied Fine Art under the guidance of the late Gillian Ayres and Clyde Hopkins. The love of painting and use of colour instilled in me then has remained with me and continues to flourish. Having taught Art for 24 years it is a joy to immerse myself into the studio."